Exploring How Continents Moved

Created by AbuBakr ShalabiAbuBakrShalabi

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Why did no one believe Wegener's theory?

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What two specific continents fit together most noticeably?

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What is the force that moves the continents? 

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This is a picture of glacier scars found in Africa.  What are these evidence for?

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Most geologists think that the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is caused by

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What evidence from the climate supports the idea that the continents were once joined and then drifted apart? Choose all that apply.

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Fossil plants on different continents are evidence of Continental Drift:

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What was Pangaea?

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What was Alfred WegenerÅ› Continental Drift theory?

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According to the continental drift hypothesis, the presence of similar fossils in South America and Africa supports which scientific idea?

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.......................... are long, narrow depressions on the seafloor.

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Wegener's idea that Pangaea separated into continents became the continental drift ....................

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The fact that similar fossils are found on both sides of the ocean is evidence of____.

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What evidence did Wegener use to support his theory?

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What did Alfred Wegener observe to form his continental drift hypothesis?

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Which scientist suggested that Earth's surface used to be formed of one huge supercontinent? 

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Originally the Continental drift theory was not well received by other scientists. Why?

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When Wegener looked at maps he noticed Africa and South America ____________ lined up. 

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Which statement is TRUE about Pangaea? 

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Mountain ranges located on both side of the Atlantic Ocean

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