Go to the Quizzes Page Exploring How Continents Moved 0% 1918 Created by AbuBakrShalabi Please write your name and email to receive your certificate. 1 / 20 Why did no one believe Wegener's theory? He didn't use the right technology to gather data His data was wrong He didn't have evidence He could not explain HOW the continents moved 2 / 20 What two specific continents fit together most noticeably? South America and Africa South America and Europe Africa and North America Antartica and Africa 3 / 20 What is the force that moves the continents? Radiation Convection Conveyor belts Conduction 4 / 20 This is a picture of glacier scars found in Africa.  What are these evidence for? Africa has always been near the equator Africa was once in an area of the Earth that had a very cold climate Sea floor spreading The continents have not moved 5 / 20 Most geologists think that the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is caused by The Earth's magnetic field. The rotation of the Earth. Subduction. Convection currents. 6 / 20 What evidence from the climate supports the idea that the continents were once joined and then drifted apart? Choose all that apply. Remains of plants and animals are found in climates which they could not have survived Climate change caused the earth's continents to move Evidence of glaciers are found on continents that are in tropical regions of the earth. It was colder at the equator during pangea 7 / 20 Fossil plants on different continents are evidence of Continental Drift: FALSE TRUE 8 / 20 What was Pangaea? It was a supercontinent, made of all of the landmasses on Earth. It was the name of an ancient organism It was a supercontinent made of 3 landmasses It was 2 separate landmasses, one on the Northern Hemisphere and one on the Southern Hemisphere. 9 / 20 What was Alfred Wegenerś Continental Drift theory? All answers are correct The continents used to be joined together to form a supercontinent. Pangaea was formed around 250 million years ago The continents have since drifted apart to their current location 10 / 20 According to the continental drift hypothesis, the presence of similar fossils in South America and Africa supports which scientific idea? Species of animals probably traveled between continents on natural rafts (such as trees destroyed in tsunamis). South America and Africa were once connected together. Land bridges once existed that connected the continents. Animals easily and frequently travel from Africa to South America. 11 / 20 .......................... are long, narrow depressions on the seafloor. Plate tectonics Glossopteris Ocean trenches Mid-ocean ridges 12 / 20 Wegener's idea that Pangaea separated into continents became the continental drift .................... theory law hypothesis fact 13 / 20 The fact that similar fossils are found on both sides of the ocean is evidence of____. Seafloor spreading Continental drift Oceanic drift Magnetic reversal 14 / 20 What evidence did Wegener use to support his theory? Continents and fossils fitting together/matching-up like puzzle pieces Mountain ranges and rocks line up across continents All answers are correct Glacier scars and other climate evidence from temperature 15 / 20 What did Alfred Wegener observe to form his continental drift hypothesis? The coastlines of the continents match The air movement on Earth causes the supercontinent to split and drift into pieces The continents are moving slowly infront of him Huge objects from space hit the Earth's surface and split the huge continent 16 / 20 Which scientist suggested that Earth's surface used to be formed of one huge supercontinent? Blaise Pascal Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Alfred Wegener 17 / 20 Originally the Continental drift theory was not well received by other scientists. Why? The scientist presenting the data was unreliable. There was a competing theory at the time that was more believable. The scientists did not know the force responsible for moving the continents. There was no data showing the continents ever moved. 18 / 20 When Wegener looked at maps he noticed Africa and South America ____________ lined up. Hills Lakes Mountain Ranges islands 19 / 20 Which statement is TRUE about Pangaea? Pangaea is one of the continents that are found nowadays. Pangaea is a supercontinent that split and drifted apart to form the continents. Pangaea is a supercontinent that covered all the Earth's surface in the past. Pangaea is a continent that was covered with water in the past. 20 / 20 Mountain ranges located on both side of the Atlantic Ocean have ancient fossils and coal seams. have the same rock types, structures and ages. are the same height and width. are just separate mountain ranges. Your score is 0% Restart quiz Go to the Quizzes Page